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Carlsbad puts call out for residents to serve on city panels

Downtown Carlsbad. (Photo by Steve Marcotte, OsideNews)

The city of Carlsbad seeks residents interested in filling numerous seats on several advisory boards starting in 2024.

The vacancies are largely the result of expiring terms, according to a Dec. 6 city announcement.

“The panels are made up of Carlsbad residents who volunteer their time to study issues and policies and advise the City Council on matters that affect our community,” the city stated in its announcement. “The members are appointed by the City Council.”

Some of the panels require specific qualifications. Applicants must be Carlsbad residents who are registered to vote in the city. Applications are accepted all year will be kept on file
until Dec. 31 of the year they were submitted.

Residents are invited to submit applications on the city’s website. Those interested can apply for more than one panel, but residents cannot serve on multiple panels and will be appointed to only one.

The scheduled vacancies are, in order of openings:

Arts Commission: Three seats open in March 2024. Commissioners are responsible for advising the City Council on implementing the arts element of the Carlsbad General Plan and encourging a variety of arts programs.

Historic Preservation Commission: Two seats open in April 2024. The panel advises the City Council on how to identify, protect and preserve historic sites.

Beach Preservation Commission: Three seats open in June 2024. Commissioners investigate, review and report to the City Council on topics or studies related to beach and bluff erosion.

Library Board of Trustees: Two seats open in June 2024. Trustees advise the City Council on anything related to the operation of the city’s library system.

Senior Commission: One seat open in September 2024. The panel advises the City Council on programs and policies relating to residents age 50 and older in Carlsbad.

Community-Police Engagement Commission: Two seats open in December 2024. The panel’s goal is to strengthen and maintain open communication between law enforcement and the community and to advise the City Council on police policies and programs.

Planning Commission: Two seats open in December 2024. The commission makes recommendations to the City Council about development in the city.

Parks and Recreation Commission: Two seats open in December 2024. The commission provides input to the City Council about park development, maintenance and recreation programs.

Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission: Two seats open in December 2024. The panel studies traffic and pedestrian safety and makes recommendations to the City Council on how to maintain and promote traffic safety.

More information about the city’s commissions and activities is available at