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News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

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July 17, 2014

by: Tom Morrow

While taking a reasonably sure chance our weather will continue be that of paradise, O’siders can somewhat smugly watch the weather map’s foul machinations back across the nation. Ironically, Eastern folks living in tornado and hurricane country question why we live here in “earthquake” country? I don’t think I have to answer that one — do I?
RANDOM THOUGHTS – Think O’side’s streets and roads are in bad shape? Compared to back East, we have top-notch roadways, give or take a pot hole here and there. I recently drove 700-plus miles from Grand Rapids, Mich., to Charlotte, N.C., where I encountered fair to bad Interstates and state highways. Michigan is in the worst shape and, interestingly, West Virginia highways are among the best condition I encountered. Side Note: A lot of Michigan residents are more than a bit miffed that many of their tax dollars are going to rebuild Detroit. … California split into six states? Gimme a break! While a split into two, maybe three states might work, this “blue-controlled” state will never give up its population dominance in the Union, which translates into real power in the Congress and the Electoral College. But on second thought, getting shed of the LA megalopolis might be a good thing for San Diego County. … I see where the Audubon Society wants to buy up a couple of parcels down at the Buena Vista Lagoon. Maybe they can do something about the mosquito problem that each year plagues much of South O’s residents. … Has it occurred to anyone in O’side the small, neighborhood hardware store is no more? The big boxes remain, offering just about everything you might want or need – that is if you can find someone to assist you locate the item(s) you’re searching for. I miss my neighborhood Ace Hardware store on Mission Avenue. They truly were the place with the helpful hardware men (and women).…
GLOBETROTTER — Long-time O’side businessman Jim Schroder just got back from a couple of weeks touring Iceland and Greenway. Jim’s lifelong ambition is to circle the globe and visit as many countries as he can. He’s up to 133 nations, so far – Where to next, Jim?
JUST WONDERING – In other cities, ambulances each with a crew of two paramedics, answer most 9-1-1 medical calls on their own. In O’side, nearly every such call has both an ambulance and a fire truck, which takes a total of five personnel to answer the call. Why? Seems to me two paramedics on the meat wagon can handle most medical emergencies without the three fire engine guys tagging along, usually standing and watching – I speak from personal experience(s). O’side Fire personnel certainly do give great service, but is it policy over-kill or union contract-required? If I’ve thought about this, surely someone with a higher pay grade has done so as well.
KID SCIENCE – A sixth grader reckoned, “Respiration is composed of two acts, first inspiration, and then expectoration.”
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