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North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

The White House is pictured in June 2020. (Photo by Tabrez Syed via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: A historical assessment of 14 presidents

Tom Morrow September 17, 2022
During the last half of the 20th century and through much of what has passed thus far in this century, there often has been less than stellar performances on the part of U.S. presidents. These are my personal subjective assessments, not from a political, but from a “historical,” point of view.
Working for Britain’s Naval Intelligence Division during the Second World War is where author Ian Fleming got his ideas for creating 007, James Bond. (Photo by Kristaps Ungurs via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: The man who would be Bond

OsideNews August 21, 2022

By Tom Morrow: The British spy hero James Bond was created by a former Royal Navy intelligence officer. The fictitious Bond was the hero character of Ian Fleming, who was a planner and coordinator of clandestine...

President John F. Kennedy is pictured on a 1960s-era television set. (Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: The ‘Golden Age’ depends upon your age

OsideNews July 14, 2022

By Tom Morrow: We often hear the phrase “that was back in the ‘golden age’” (of whatever you want to discuss — television, movies, lifestyle, politics, cars). Probably the most commonly discussed...

U.S. Olympic sprinters (from left) Jesse Owens, Ralph Metcalfe and Frank Wykoff do a light warm-up on the deck of the S.S. Manhattan before they sail for Germany to compete in the 1936 Olympics. (Public Domain image)

Historically Speaking: The 10th-of-a-second nightmare in Berlin

OsideNews June 21, 2022

By Tom Morrow: A 10th of a second during one of history’s most dramatic moments kept him awake at night and often seemed like a lifetime to Ralph H. Metcalfe. Metcalfe was four-times elected Chicago...

A worker checks electrical assemblies at Vega Aircraft Corp. in Burbank in 1942 during World War II. (Photo by David Bransby, Library of Congress collection)

Historically Speaking: Some key points of 20th century U.S. history

OsideNews May 31, 2022

By Tom Morrow: We are more than 20 years past the 20th century. Here’s a look at each of its 10 decades for just a few of its highlights and top stories. Quite a number events are missing; nevertheless,...

Movies. (Photo by Anika Mikkelson via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: A few celebrity moments from yesteryear

OsideNews May 19, 2022

By Tom Morrow: Back in 1969 when I was a staff writer for the Associated Press, I was assigned to go out and interview actors on a movie set east of Apache Junction, Arizona. The movie being filmed was...

Esso gas pumps from another era. (Photo by Bannon Morrissy via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: The cost of living after eight decades

OsideNews May 10, 2022

By Tom Morrow The cost of living is skyrocketing, and there doesn’t appear to be any limits. Looking back over eight decades, prices were pennies on the dollar compared to today. To me, something of...

Columnist Tom Morrow stands with noted director Billy Wilder at the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego. (Photo courtesy of Tom Morrow)

Notes and Quotes: My breakfast with a film legend

OsideNews April 28, 2022

By Tom Morrow: I would imagine everyone at one time another has visions or dreams of having a conversational meal with someone considered great or a genius. Churchill, Eisenhower, or even Einstein –...

Sunset. (Photo by Matt Phillips via Unsplash)

Notes and Quotes: Short visits to small places

OsideNews April 10, 2022

By Tom Morrow: This week, columnist Tom Morrow continues his series about “Following the Sun” to the West. During my many years of “Following the Sun,” there were interesting and historic encounters...

“Washington Goes To War,” By David Brinkley.

Notes & Quotes: When Washington went to war; reviewing our past in light of today

OsideNews April 1, 2022

By Tom Morrow: As the winds of war once again begin to blow, it is interesting to take a look back at how our nation became the world’s leading armed force. There are numerous historical resources to...

Sunset. (Photo by Matt Phillips via Unsplash)

Notes & Quotes: The Smiths of the Okefenokee Swamp

OsideNews March 24, 2022

By Tom Morrow: This week, columnist Tom Morrow continues his series about “Following the Sun” to the West. We left Glynco Naval Air Station at Brunswick, Georgia, with enthusiasm — my wife was returning...

Sunset. (OsideNews file photo)

Notes & Quotes: The sun shines brightest on the Pacific

OsideNews March 17, 2022

By Tom Morrow: My first adventure following the Western Sun took place in March of 1959. A year earlier, I had joined the U.S. Navy to see the world. After several months of training in San Diego; Norman,...

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