San Diego Botanic Garden announces phased reopening
The San Diego Botanic Garden, located in Encinitas, has announced a phased reopening plan in the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Rachel Cobb, San Diego Botanic Garden)
May 28, 2020
The San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas has announced a phased reopening plan beginning this week.
Members-only access is available as of May 27, the organization stated.
The plan comes as San Diego County and the state undergo a phased reopening of businesses and public spaces in the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
In the garden’s first steps toward reopening, members must first make reservations using a new online system. Upon arrival to the garden, they must bring proof of reservations and their membership cards. Visitors are required to wear face masks or coverings at all times.
Public access is expected to resume within the next several weeks, according to the garden’s announcement.
“San Diego Botanic Garden is thrilled to open our gates and retool our operation for safety during COVID-19,” Ari Novy, the garden’s president and CEO, said in the announcement. “The Garden is a place of great serenity and healing that is a potent antidote to the challenges of social distancing.”
The goal of the phased reopening is to ensure proper social distancing and adherence to guidelines established by local, state and government officials, the organization stated.
The garden is open to members Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Paths and trails have been changed to a one-way configuration with marked entrances and exits. The Hamilton Children’s Garden, Seeds of Wonder, Gift Shop, Feel Good Coffee Cart, Larabee House and Ecke Building remain closed until further notice. Visitor restrooms are being sanitized every two hours.
The main entrance has been relocated to the Dickinson Family Education Conservatory, located at 450 Quail Gardens Drive. Parking is available there and at the San Dieguito Heritage Ranch across the street.
For more information, updates and member reservations, go to
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