Oceanside CA– The Filipino-American Cultural Organization (FACO), a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, held its Annual Summer Picnic and Election of Officers and Directors to serve on 2015-16. The event was held on Camp Pendleton at Lake O’Neill Recreation Park. FACO started out as a social club in 1976 with a small group of members, and now has grown its membership to over 300. The memebership at FACO is open to all people interested in learning about Filipino culture.
The organization’s mission is to promote, preserve and promulgate Filipino cultural heritage through education, cultural and charitable activities and to spread cultural understanding and compassion between people.
One of the biggest events of the association is the Filipino Cultural Day, usually held on a Saturday on or before the celebration of June 12th Philippine Independence Day. This event is in partnership with the Oceanside Public Library and is held at the Oceanside Civic Center and Plaza. Other forthcoming big events are HALLOWEEN DANCE O’RAMA on Oct. 25th at the Oceanside Senior Center and HOLIDAY BALL and HIYAS AWARDS on Dec. 13th at the Pacific Views Event Center in Camp Pendleton.
Newly elected officers and directors are : Belle Limoge – President, Zucette Lumabas – Vice President, Jonathan Enerva- Executive Secretary, Vangie Mcneal- Treasurer and Directors – Dori Harris, Wendy Abon-Thrower, Malou Hamto, Marilou Dela Rosa and Virgie Flemming. Ex-Officio Director Is Amelia Sivage.
More information about the association can be obtained through the website: http://www.filamcultural.com/
Filipino-American Cultural Organization Annual Picnic and Election
September 16, 2014