Oceanside CA– The City of Oceanside’s Green Team held its inaugural Dock Clean-up Day on Saturday. AQCS Environmental was on hand for hazardous waste collection along with Goodwill Industries providing secure document shredding and a truck for donated household goods.
“We were not really expecting a very large turnout but we wanted to have something available for the boating community said Colleen Foster, Solid Waste and Recycling Management Analyst, City of Oceanside. “You can see it was needed by the amount of household hazardous waste being dropped off.” Slip renters were dropping off old marine batteries, paint, solvents and cleaners while Scott Storms, owner of AQCS Environmental, sorted them for proper disposal or recycle.
The event was an opportunity for the City to educate the public on water conservation during the current drought. Slip renters who participated in the event were given a free low flow garden hose nozzle with seven flow patterns and auto shutoff to help conserve water. Kathy Coogan with the City of Oceanside was explaining, to people at the event, the details of current programs available to Oceanside residents for helping curb their water use.
One program offers residents a rebate of up to $3.50 a square foot to remove their existing lawns. “People must apply for the rebate before they remove the lawn in order to qualify for the rebate.” said Kathy. “I receive calls all the time from people who have removed their grass and ask how to get the rebate but there is nothing I can do for them if they didn’t apply beforehand.”
The Dock Clean Up Day is in line with the City of Oceanside’s Zero Waste Strategic Plan of reaching zero waste by 2020. To learn more about Green Oceanside programs or to download the Green Oceanside app, visit their website [Link]
Inaugural Dock Clean Up Day
October 5, 2014
A sign outside the MiraCosta College Spartan Bookstore in Oceanside notes the opening of the fall semester on Aug. 23, 2021. (MiraCosta College photo)