Oceanside CA— The Oceanside Public Library is proud to host a series of PBS Point of View (POV) Documentaries as part of a series, Citizen of the World. The first film in the series, Bridge Over the Wadi will be screened at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday January 21, 2015, at the Oceanside Public Library. The film follows a group of Arab and Jewish parents who decide to establish a bi-national, bilingual grade school in the Wadi Are village. Bridge Over the Wadi is about the school’s first year and shows how fragile the attempt to create an environment of co-existence is against the backdrop of the complicated reality of the film’s subjects.
The discussion afterward will be led by Josh Kahn and Khalid Abudawas, students at Carlsbad’s Pacific Ridge School and co-founders of the San Diego Chapter of Hands of Peace, an international conflict resolution program. This film is hosted in conjunction with Culture Wrap and PBS. Point of View (POV) features independent non-fiction films that highlight social issues.
This free series is sponsored by the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library. This documentary and discussion will be educational and engaging for all ages, especially teens who want to learn more about social issues. For more information, please visit the library’s website at http://www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org or call (760) 435-5600.
Bridge Over the Wadi POV Documentary
January 8, 2015