Oceanside CA— Oceanside — After 5 years of restoration, Vista Unified School District’s Mission Vista High School Open Space Preserve has now been established. The onsite portion of the preserve consists of 19.25 acres adjacent to Mission Vista High School. The offsite portion consists of 15.7 acres approximately 2 miles south on Darwin Drive. Both sites were set aside for preservation as mitigation for construction of the Vista Unified School District’s Mission Vista High School Project. SDHC will manage the open space habitats in order to protect the sensitive species that call this part of Oceanside home.
The onsite portion supports Diegan coastal sage scrub, native grassland, and various riparian and wetland habitats. This protected area provides a safe haven for the federally endangered least Bell’s vireo and the federally threatened coastal California gnatcatcher. The majority of the offsite portion supports Diegan coastal sage scrub while the rest of the site consists of native grassland and southern willow scrub. This offsite portion will also provide much needed habitat for the coastal California gnatcatcher as well as sensitive plant species such as small-flowered morning glory.
The onsite portion is immediately adjacent to the San Luis Rey River and the offsite portion is part of a potential wildlife corridor that continues north to Guajome Regional Park and the San Luis Rey River Valley. Both portions are part of a larger regional vision to link open space preserves throughout the area.
SDHC’s long term management duties include monitoring to ensure the quality of the habitat is maintained and improved, identifying and removing invasive species (weeds), removing trash, providing outreach and educational opportunities to the neighboring community, and limiting intrusion into the site. SDHC will coordinate with the City of Oceanside, neighboring landowners, educational institutions, and wildlife agencies to ensure a coordinated effort to preserve the natural resources of this region.
SDHC was established in 2000 and manages a number of open space easements throughout the San Diego region, preserving and managing sensitive habitat and species that are unique to our southern California environment. SDHC strives to share our knowledge and appreciation of our natural environment with the San Diego community, encouraging participation in the stewardship of our region’s precious open space. The MISSION of SDHC is to conserve and manage sensitive habitats and species while inspiring land stewardship through education and outreach.
For more information please contact Don Scoles at (619) 365-4839 or via email at dons@sdhabitat.org.
Mission Vista High School Open Space Preserve
February 5, 2016