Oceanside CA—The Friends of the Oceanside Public Library, with support from Oceanside Public Library Foundation and local business and community groups, will host an enchanting Royal Afternoon Tea on the Civic Center Plaza on Sunday, May 20, at 1:00 p.m. Guests will enjoy a scrumptious menu and teas, hat and table decorating contests, and silent auction and opportunity prize drawings. The event will also include special features in honor of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, which is scheduled to take place the previous day.
The cost is $40 per person and tickets can be purchased individually, or take advantage of a group discount by purchasing a whole table (8 guests) for $280. Ticket purchases can be made with check or cash at the Civic Center Library Administration Offices, or with a credit card at 2018Royaltea.eventbrite.com.
Tickets on Sale now for ‘A Royal Afternoon Tea’
April 20, 2018
Prissy Purple Princesses; Heather Lambert, Nola Dobratz, Barbara McKenzie and Diane Aratani (file photo)