Oceanside CA— Carla Mitroff, Manager at Oceanside Adventures reports that they recently had their first sighting of baby gray whale in the current migration season: Oh Baby! The annual gray whale migration has begun as we kicked off New Years Day with our first sighting. Last Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021 we had our first sighting off Oceanside, CA of a gray whale cow/calf pair. They are heading south for the winter to the warm lagoons of Baja where the gray whales will mate and give birth then head back north to their feeding grounds off Alaska for the summer. Our drone photographer Mark Newman captured this video of the newborn calf riding on mom’s back. When they are first born they need the mother to help bring them to the surface to breath and rest on mom during the long journey as they get stronger day by day.
The best months to see the gray whales off our coast is January through April as they are coastal navigators and tend to stay close to shore, within viewing range of our daily 2 hour Whale & Dolphin tours. These mammals have the longest migration of approximately 10,000-14,000 miles round trip and years ago were hunting to nearly extinction. Since then, being protected their population has rebounded to approximately 27,000. It is important to keep at least 100 yards away from the whales and specified in the Marine Mammal Protection Act and remember …..SEE A BLOW….GO SLOW!
Oceanside Adventures is the top rated outdoor adventure and offers year round, daily tours aboard our 50ft luxury catamaran designed for optimal viewing, great for all ages and limited passengers to allow social distancing. Private charters are also available.
For more information visit www.OceansideWhaleWatching.com
Oceanside Adventures Spots their First Baby Gray Whale of the Migration Season
January 12, 2021