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Hope for Alcoholism, Bulimia, and Bipolar Disorder


I am a 29 year old woman. I am no different and certainly not any more special than my peers. I am a very proud wife of a United States Marine. I also suffer from Alcoholism, Bulimia, and Bipolar Disorder. The reason for me feeling the need to write this is due to the fact that I have tried to hide this for about 10 years, resulting in absolute misery. My goal in this letter is to bring awareness to one of many issues that go unnoticed.
I have been happily married since February, 2007. I have two children, ages 9 and 6. But I had a secret. Actually, I had quite a few. I was absolute victim to an eating disorder that can only be described as absolutely terrifying. My husband was unaware of this for almost 6 years. The alcoholism was also quite hidden for about 3 years. That also was absolute excruciating. I did not make the decision to want to have this lifestyle; for many different reasons, it happened as perhaps a coping mechanism from my childhood.
I was nine years old when my mother lost custody of me and me 2 siblings. We were separated, and I have seen only my brother 10 years later on my wedding day. I used alcohol to cope with my childhood issues, as well as my husband’s military injury. He received a Traumatic brain injury in Afghanistan, and I absolutely lost my mental stability. I had the symptoms of bipolar disorder since an early age, and with my manic episodes came heavy drinking to quiet it, and with that came the eating disorder to quiet the stress of the alcoholism.
I am not a writer, or have I ever reached out to anyone in this manner. The point I am trying to make is that I finally am seeking help for my issues, yet I so badly wish that I could have had the courage to seek it much sooner. My marriage has been gravely effected, my children are confused, and my health is questionable. I finally spoke to medical professionals about my issues, and am working on a long road to recovery.
My hope is by telling only a small part of my story, I can reach even just one person perhaps struggling through something similar. To be afraid to tell your loved ones about the deepest despairs we go through, is quite possibly the most difficult obstacle I have reached so far in life. There is such a stigma with so many disorders, that many of us choose to hide it. By doing so, nothing but misery, paranoia and loneliness follows. I ask only that anyone that can relate to me choose to seek help, and raise awareness to the fact that we are only human, not super human, and it should not be taboo to seek help for issues that most people consider to be weak or vein.
I am a recovering alcoholic, recovering bulimic, and am on medication for my bipolar disorder. I am absolutely OK with reporting this, because I have finally come to the conclusion that my happiness, health, and family means so much more than a stigma or worry of acceptance.

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Hope for Alcoholism, Bulimia, and Bipolar Disorder