Students Looking for Support at Tonight’s Board Meeting
Dear Members of the Oceanside Community,
The student body of El Camino High School lost a beloved student, Majesty Prado, this past year to death by suicide. This tragedy motivated Mrs. Esquivel’s AP US Government classes to confront the topic of mental health on our high school campus. After conducting extensive research on available community resources and comparing with what is currently being utilized on campus, we have concluded there is a serious lack of awareness, resources available, and utilization of existing resources for our students. This is not in the best interest of our students’ health needs and academic success. Thus, we have created a proposal to present to the OUSD Board of Education.
Our proposal includes several reasonable changes to be made, beginning with asking our Board to approve of the utilization of a free educational awareness resource offered to all North County School through North County Lifeline. The board may have reservations due to the stigma surrounding mental health, but our school plans to eliminate that stigma through an irrefutable proposal and broad community support.
Our students have decided to take a stand on a prevalent issue affecting all school campuses in the nation, seeking to meet the mental health needs of our students so we can better our schools as well as our community.
We would appreciate your support to our cause. If you are able, we request your attendance at our Board Meeting this upcoming Tuesday, May 23rd at 6:00pm, located at the District Office on Mission Ave in Oceanside. If you are unable to attend, we would greatly appreciate you allowing us to add your name and/or organization to our list of community supporters. In order to be added to our supporters page please send an email/text to (760) 310-3665,
The students of El Camino High School