My question to you dear reader is simple : Have you ever seen such a period of high intensity political turmoil in your lifetime? The TV, Mailers, Road Signage, Web, Newspapers, Magazines. The volume and daily bombardment level is incredible.
WHAT A SCENE this election period is. I do not remember having ever experienced such a political mess in all my years. And I am an old dude now! We can all however take heart in that there is a light at the end of that dark tunnel. For it is a truism that The Tide Always Turns…..AND Right Now the Political Tide is at last turning again in favor of We the People! More good folks than ever are already voting in this election with record early voter turnout numbers. Vote by mail is a popular way to avoid exposure to Covid-19 disease.
The fact of the matter is that POLITICAL ROACHES of ALL TYPES and descriptions have now come out of the POLITICAL SEWERS of deep chicanery to infest our Nation. Do they smell opportunity in chaos…….yes indeed they do! The Political Roaches are now pouring our of that little known and secretive place found worldwide. That place unseen, but found wherever busy people live in large numbers, and where they can vote in a democratic fashion, but are too busy to really think about it much. There lies the conundrum, not enough time. Sooo precious little time these days. How to make time to study the many ballot issues, eh?
The Political Roaches are sending out messages of fear and hatred everywhere. Thus hoping to connive those good people who are too busy into making a “kneejerk” decision. Those who are uninformed and thus more easily frightened and influenced. Those millions of good folks who are already busy just living their lives, taking care of their family and themselves. They who do not have extra time or energy. BEWARE THE SIREN SONGS OF THE UNTRUSTWORTHY ONES, THOSE WHO ARE SCREECHING OUT THE LOUDEST. For they are making all that loud noise to distract you from the truth my friends. All of Our Well Being and that of future generations to come is really on the line this time. THIS FACT is so very strongly illustrated everywhere in the USA right now it is frightening to behold. It exists all the way from the most high elected National Offices on down the line to our Local Elected Officials and Ballot Measures. Right now in our little beach town of O’side even. ROACHES!
All those ROACHES looking for an easy political meal. Hoping to gain power and make money off the overworked, uninformed, and easily deceived among us. DON’T VOTE FOR ANY ROACHES !!! DON’T VOTE FOR ANY POLITICAL ROACH EASY DEALS !! DON’T BELIEVE HIGH INTENSITY POLITICAL ROACH HYPE !!
Richard Burton
O’side Voter
Letters to the Editor: Political roaches are running amok – it is a feeding freenzy
October 22, 2020