Represent Oceanside (RO) is a grass-roots group of your fellow residents working to make Oceanside government ethical, transparent, and responsive to citizens’ input. We are non-partisan and welcome everyone who cares about our single mandate, making our government more trustworthy and responsive equally to all citizens.
The City Council will be meeting on Wednesday, 9/11, at 5 PM in Council Chambers at 300 N Coast Hwy on the 2nd floor North,. On their agenda are two items of interest to all residents.
Item 24: At the request of Represent Oceanside, new Councilmembers Keim and Rodriguez introduced a request to have staff research and draft a policy for an appointment process to be followed when there is a vacancy in: the office of Mayor, Council Member, City Clerk, or City Treasurer. There is currently no standard, so appointments are made however the Council decides to do it at the time. This makes it extremely hard for the public to know what’s going on, why and how the appointees are chosen, have input into, or participate in the process. RO hopes that an appointment process not only for elected position vacancies, but also all committee and commission appointments, will result from our efforts. We thank Councilmembers Keim and Rodriguez for their consideration and help!
Item 25: There is another item you should be aware of on this agenda. It is not from Represent Oceanside, but comes from the Council itself. They want these positions appointed by our City Manager, instead of elected by our citizens, as they are now. Who appoints the City Manager? City Council does. This consolidation of power in the hands of the Council (where just three are a majority) will go on the ballot and be subject to voter approval if adopted at this meeting.
How you can help.
Government serves the people best when the people are watching and involved! Represent Oceanside needs as much help as we can get with our research, informational meetings, publicity, and all that goes with trying to improve government. But even if you cannot help with any of that,
You can show-up at city council meetings when our issues are on the agendas!
Elected governments pay attention when we do! We get the quality of government that we demand. That’s just human nature. So please plan to spend a couple of hours being attentive citizens on September 18th at 6 pm in City Council Chambers on the 2nd floor North, 300 N Coast Hwy., Oceanside, CA, 92054
For a copy of the Council agenda:
To contact Represent Oceanside:
Arleen Hammerschmidt or Joe Hill
Next Represent Oceanside meeting:
- September 19th at 6 pm
- St. Tropez Bistro, upstairs
- 524 S Coast Hwy
- Oceanside, CA 92054