Oceanside CA— MiraCosta College’s Community Education and Workforce Development program has received national recognition for its Security Training Program, having been named one of ten Bellwether Award finalists. The Bellwether Awards annually recognize outstanding and innovative programs and practices that are successfully leading community colleges into the future. Outstanding colleges were selected to present their innovative practices at the 2016 Community College Futures Assembly in Orlando.
“We were extremely pleased to be chosen amongst dozens of nominees to be a finalist and to be asked to give our security program presentation at the Community College Futures Assembly. Our specialized Security Training Program is only one of three in the nation that offers veterans and other qualified candidates the opportunity to gain the type of security, protection, and medical skills that enable our program graduates to land some of the highest paying security jobs around the world,” said Linda Kurokawa, director of the college’s workforce development program. “So, although we did not walk away with the Bellwether Award for 2016, it is still an honor to be recognized as one of the top finalists.”
The Bellwether Awards are an integral part of the Community College Futures Assembly, established in 1995. The assembly is sponsored by the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Florida and focuses on cutting-edge, trendsetting programs that other colleges might find worthy of replicating. The Bellwether Awards are given annually in three categories to colleges with outstanding and innovative programs or practices. The Workforce Development (WD) category recognizes public and/or private strategic alliances and partnerships that promote community and economic development.
For MiraCosta College’s Security Training Program, this is the second award recognition it has received in the last two years. The program also received a California State Program Award in 2014 from the Association of Community and Continuing Education (ACCE).
Representing MiraCosta College at the Bellwether Awards Assembly were Linda Kurokawa; Dr. Christine Jensen, work skills training program coordinator; and Rick Sweeney, security training program lead instructor.
MiraCosta Workforce Training Program Named Bellwether Award Finalist
February 18, 2016