Photos: Steve Marcotte / OsideNews
Oceanside CA- Oceanside Police responded to reports of a single car accident on El Camino Real and Douglas Drive shortly before 5:00 this morning. The first officer on the scene found a Dodge Stratus, facing the wrong direction on southbound El Camino Real and a glow coming from underneath the hood of the car. By the time firefighters arrived, the car was fully involved in flames.
Two people, riding in the Stratus, were traveling south on Douglas Drive, the driver made the right turn on to El Camino Real and apparently lost control of the vehicle. The car slammed head on into the brick wall surrounding the Lagoon View Mobile Home Park at 276 El Camino Real.
“The dog started barking and I look outside and there is this guy, marching up and down the street, cussing up storm” said Jack Hall. Hall’s home was protected from the impact of the car by the wall behind his house. “I checked on my neighbors and the vibration of the impact must have traveled through the ground because she said her whole trailer shook” continued Hall.
The two people in the Stratus escaped the accident, mostly uninjured. No other people or vehicles were involved in the incident. The accident is currently under investigation by Oceanside Police.