San Diego County CA– The Fourth of July is a time for fun and celebration for the entire family. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department is committed to keeping you safe during the long holiday weekend by making sure drunk drivers are taken off our roadways.
Watch for increased holiday DUI patrols by deputies across the county beginning on Thursday, July 3rd through Sunday, July 6th. Deputies will also take part in a DUI checkpoint on Saturday, July 5th from 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. at an undisclosed location within the city of San Diego.
The Sheriff’s Department arrested 46 people for DUI during the Fourth of July enforcement period in 2013. Deputies arrested 26 people for drunk driving during the Independence Day enforcement period in 2012.
“I cannot stress this enough: don’t drink and drive this Fourth of July weekend,” said Sheriff Bill Gore. “By doing so, you put your life in danger, as well as those of other drivers on the road. Remember: DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER!”
If you do drink, be sure to have a designated driver ready or call a taxi.
Here are some sober rider options for the Fourth of July:
• Tipsy Tow
• Be My Designated Driver
• Metropolitan Transit System (MTS)
• North County Transit District (NCTD)
Driving Under The Influence, It’s Just Not Worth It. Watch the public safety video on the high price of drinking and driving below.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,
This Fourth of July weekend, be aware of San Diego County’s “Social Host” ordinance. Anyone caught serving alcohol to a minor will be arrested and booked into jail. You can report underage drinking to the Sheriff’s Department by calling our non-emergency line at (858) 565-5200. You can also learn more about your responsibility as a “Social Host” by visiting:
Celebrate Independence Day by doing the responsible thing: DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!
Funding for the Fourth of July DUI patrols is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Red White and Busted, Holiday DUI Patrols
June 30, 2014