Del Mar CA – Tuesday is Kids Day at the San Diego County Fair. Fairgoers ages 12 and younger are admitted FREE to the San Diego County Fair, presented by Albertsons/Sav-on, on the two Tuesdays the Fair is open this year; June 24 and July 1. Kids’ Day, sponsored by Culligan, features entertainment and things to do that are loads of fun for our youngest guests.
Family Funville (formerly called The Infield) is chock-full of contests, entertainment, rides, games, AND so much more for the family; the whole “kit-and-caboodle!” For more information go to
The NEW Farm at Family Funville is an adventure in itself. Explore the newly designed garden and learn about Birds, Bees, Butterflies and Bugs, our little garden helpers. Meet the “Beetles” in our very own, “Strawberry Fields.” Take a look back at our agricultural history with the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum and get some gardening tips to take home to your own garden. Don’t forget the homegrown produce contests, the Honey Bees, Worm Races, and “Family Fun Contests.” Yes, there’s Corn Shucking, and Watermelon Spitting contests too. More than a few things to see and do in Family Funville.
Family Funville is home to: Kids Zone (formerly Kiddieland, featuring kid-sized carnival rides), Creative Youth, the MCAS Miramar Military Display, Ag-Venture, The Turkey Stampede, The San Diego Pavilion and the Albertsons Funville Stage. Also NEW: “The World of Wonders” – a thrilling illusion show rich in the tradition of Barnum and the giant fairgrounds shows of yesteryear. Go to and click on New Attractions.
$2 tastes at the fair on Tuesdays
Can’t decide what to order? Don’t want large portions? The San Diego County Fair will offer $2 Taste of the Fair Tuesday, on June 24 and July 1 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fried, Funneled, Dipped or Cheesy, Bacon-Wrapped or Triple Creamy, indulge your “inner-foodie” with a tasty tour of delicious taste-sized portions of your favorite Fab-Fair-Fare, at the San Diego County Fair.