Oceanside CA– On Wednesday evening, September 3, 2014 at 7:39, Oceanside Police officers responded to a call of subjects on the roof of businesses in the 1000 block of Mission Avenue.
Several of these businesses were the victims of burglaries on August 28, 2014. That day, Oceanside Police Department received a call regarding an alarm activation at the Radio Shack at 1020 Mission Avenue. The first officer on scene saw displaced roof tiles and called for additional officers. The Radio Shack shares a business wing with Daniel’s Jewelers and Galaxy Shoes. That story can be seen here [Link]
During the investigation, one of the officers crawled into an attic crawl space and found several items which may be related to the original burglary.
Additionally the officer discovered a bag hidden in the crawl space containing jewelry. The jewelry was identified by employees of Daniels Jewelry as being stolen in the original burglary. The value of the jewelry was placed at upwards of $20,000.00. Two people were initially detained, but the investigation determined they were never on the roof.
$20,000.00 in Jewelry Recovered from Burglary
September 4, 2014