San Diego County CA-(CNC) The searing temperatures we’ve been feeling are keeping San Diego County Animal Services busy rescuing dogs trapped in baking cars.
The department says so far this month, Animal Control officers have responded to 95 calls of dogs left alone in vehicles. That’s 23 more than for the same time period last year. In cases where an animal’s life is in danger, officers must break windows to get the animals before they die from the heat.
If concern for the pet is not enough, Animal Services advises owners that they can face animal cruelty charges if a dog is harmed after being left in a hot car.
Never ever leave anyone or an animal in the car if temperatures hover near the 85-degree mark – and the county has been far hotter than that. On an 85-degree day, a car can reach 102 degrees in 10 minutes and soar upward –even with the windows down an inch or two.
Even outside the car, understand the dangers for pets in this extreme heat. Walking on pavement, or especially asphalt, can burn the pads of a dog’s paws.
See more tips on Hot Weather Hazards for Dogs.
And for people, see Stay Cool During the Heat Wave or visit
Dog Rescues from Cars Increase with Temperatures
September 17, 2014