UPDATE: Amanda Steiner, sister of the man killed in the hit and run released the following statement:
My brother, Philip White, was the victim of a hit-and-run accident on Sunday, 9/21 in Oceanside. He was riding a bike and killed by a driver who left the scene. Philip’s name has just been released to the media.
My family is devastated by our loss. We loved our Philip so very much and are shocked by his death. We are not yet prepared to make a statement, but I am wondering if you might be able to help share the information on our fundraising webpage http://www.gofundme.com/philipwhite with organizations and individuals who may be able to help us meet the unexpected costs associated with Philip’s death or who may otherwise be able to provide support as we cope with this sudden tragedy.
Oceanside CA – On Sunday September 21, 2014 a fatal traffic collision occurred in the 3900 block of North River Road. The collision occurred when a bicycle operated by Philip White, 28 years of age, an Oceanside resident, was struck from behind by a Kia being driven by Christopher Noah, 22 years of age, a San Diego resident. After the collision Noah left the scene in the Kia.
The Oceanside Police Department found vehicle debris left at the scene the night of the incident and released a description of the suspect vehicle. The debris was identified as parts belonging to a 2013-14 Kia, Soul. The vehicle is “Alien Green” in color, similar to lime green. The suspect vehicle had damage to the passenger side along with front-end damage including a missing headlight assembly.
The hit and run vehicle and the driver were located in the city of San Diego and Christopher Noah was contacted and interviewed by OPD Traffic Investigators on Monday, September 22, 2014.
The family of Philip White was out of town when the collision occurred and for that reason his identity was withheld from publication. The family has since been notified.
The investigation is ongoing. The Oceanside Police Department’s Major Accident Investigation Team is conducting the investigation. Anyone with information regarding this collision is asked to call Accident Investigator Eric Anderson at (760) 435-4796.
Identity of Bike Rider Killed in Hit and Run Released-UPDATE
September 28, 2014