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North Coast Current

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North Coast Current

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‘The Writers Corner’ a Chance to Share Your Writing Talent


Oceanside CA— We are adding a new feature on OsideNews titled ‘The Writers Corner‘. This is an opportunity for the local writers community to share their short stories and display their writing talents to a new audience.
Simply submit your short story to: Please include a brief description of your short story, the genre (sci-fi, fantasy, mystery etc) and if you like, a photo of yourself to go with the story.
Just a few rules and guidelines:

  • The submission must be your own work.
  • The author maintains all rights to their work.
  • Proofread your own work- chosen submissions will be published as is.
  • Please submit no more than one story per month
  • Please keep the story G- PG rated. We don’t age restrict our content.

OsideNews is not soliciting for stories. This is just a vehicle to give writers a chance to get their work out in public. There is no payment for submissions. Depending on the volume of submissions, we would like to run one short story per month. If we receive a lot of stories, we may increase that to once a week.
So send in something you would like to share and let’s see where it goes.

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‘The Writers Corner’ a Chance to Share Your Writing Talent