San Marcos CA— San Marcos deputies responded to a “hot prowl” residential burglary in the 700 block of Avenida Leon. A White male suspect had knocked on the front door of the residence around 11:30 Friday morning, January 16, 2015. When the victim peered out and didn’t recognize him, he didn’t answer the door.
A short time later, the victim walked out from his bedroom and discovered the man from the front door, later identified as 48 year-old Jeffrey Carl Michaels, rummaging through drawers and cabinets inside his home. Michaels had entered the residence via the rear sliding glass door. When confronted, Michaels demanded the keys to the victim’s vehicle, which was parked in the driveway. The victim complied out of fear.
When Michaels left the residence, the victim called 911 and updated responding deputies of the suspect’s status. Deputy Anthony Mireles was nearby and arrived within about four minutes. Michaels was still inside the victim’s vehicle attempting to get it started. Deputy Mireles detained Michaels until additional units arrived. Michaels was then taken into custody without incident.
Michaels was ultimately transported to the Vista Jail, where he was booked for: 459 PC – Residential Burglary, 211 PC – Robbery, 10851 VC – Auto Theft, and 11550 H&S – Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance and multiple counts of 667.5(b) PC for prior prison commits.
“Hot Prowl” Suspect Arrested in San Marcos
January 17, 2015