Vista CA— Keith Meter is a California Highway Patrol Officer, husband and a dad who was recently diagnosed with a bone marrow cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). He is one of 14,000 people awaiting a bone marrow transplant.
The CHP will be holding a bone marrow donor registry drive in honor of Keith and hope you will consider registering.
Anyone that meets the general guideline criteria is welcome to register. You must be between 18 and 44 years old and in general good health the register.
Registering is simple and takes about 15 minutes; a consent form and cheek swab is the first step in becoming a lifesaving marrow donor.
The marrow donor registry drive will be held at the California Highway Patrol office in Vista, 435 La Tortuga Drive, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM today, Thursday March 17, 2016.
Online registration is an option. Taking the first step on-line is quick and easy.
Follow this link:
Enter your contact information online. A swab kit will be mailed to you. Swabbing instructions will be included.
Mail the swabs back to Be the Match in the postage paid envelope. You will be notified with a confirmation form from Be the Match in 6-8 weeks.
Patients need you. For thousands with blood cancers like leukemia or other diseases like sickle-cell anemia, a bone marrow transplant is their only hope for life.
If you have a diverse ancestry, patients especially need you because they are most likely to match someone who shares their heritage.
CHP to Hold Marrow Donor Registry Drive, March 17
March 17, 2016