San Diego County CA— Due to the obvious fire threat the County of San Diego is currently experiencing, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has issued shooting guidelines. BLM has designated all federal land closed to all firearms shooting in the county until advised to the contrary.
The BLM Regulations will be placed on the San Diego Sheriff’s website and expand on the directive that other than in defense of person, it shall be unlawful for anyone to discharge any pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, or any other firearm or device fired or discharged with explosives during any period in which a high-fire hazard has been declared by the California Department of Forestry.
Toward this end, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department will:
- Increase patrols around known shooting areas to include BLM land.
- Apply appropriate ordinances and penal codes as they relate to shooting, firearms, ammunition, magazine capacity etc. to assist in proactive fire prevention.
- Educate shooters of the potential fire dangers and advise them of the Cal Fire suppression costs associated with an accidental fire.
- Rural Deputies will physically respond to all calls of shooters on or around BLM land.
- The San Diego Sheriff’s Department will work with Fish and Game as well as the U.S. Forest Service to support successful prosecution of state offenders.
It’s up to all of us to keep fire danger to a minimum and everyone’s cooperation will help keep San Diego County from risk.