Oceanside CA— The Coast Highway Corridor Study Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was released for public review and comment on July 13th, 2017 for a 45-day public review period that ended on August 28th, 2017. Approximately 200 comments were received from the public and government agencies.
The City of Oceanside and project team reviewed each comment received and after careful consideration, determined that more work was required. Several areas of concern were raised in the comments that include but is not limited to:
1. Visual Corridors;
2. Traffic;
3. Addition of Modified Alternative;
4. Parking; and
5. Forecasted Residential Dwelling Units.
In response to the comments received, City staff and the project team have reanalyzed and revised sections of the 2017 DEIR, which include:
Visual Corridors
Revised to include new information characterizing the visual resources in the Coastal Zone.
Revised the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to include analysis of the proposed project’s roadway system without the buildout of the Vista Way/I-5 Interchange Project and includes the evaluation of additional intersections that were not analyzed in the 2017 DEIR.
Addition of a Modified Alternative
A new project alternative has been added, referred to as Alternative 3 (where Alternative 3 of the previously released DEIR is now numbered as Alternative 4 in the Partially Recirculated DEIR). The new Alternative 3 would limit both the Complete Streets improvements and the Incentive District’s southern boundary to Morse Street.
A parking supply assessment has been completed for each alternative.
Residential Dwelling Units on Coast Highway
Revised to reflect the number of new housing units projected within the project study area over the 18-year planning horizon.
The reanalyzed and revised sections described above also include new air quality, noise and green house gas studies.
The revised sections of the 2018 DEIR will be recirculated for public review and comments starting on Wednesday, November 14th 2018 through Monday, January 14th 2019, for a 60-day public review and comment period.
Starting on November 14th, an electronic copy of the Partially Recirculated DEIR can be found on the project webpage at: https://tinyurl.com/CoastHighwayCorridorStudy
Hard copies of the Partially Recirculated DEIR is also available for review at the Oceanside Development Services Department and Oceanside Public Library (300 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054), and at the Oceanside Mission Branch Public Library (3861-B Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92057).
You may mail your comments to John Amberson, Transportation Planner, City of Oceanside, Public Works Department, 300 North Coast Highway, Oceanside CA, 92054 or you may send your comments via e-mail to JAmberson@ci.oceanside.ca.us.
Coast Highway Corridor Study Revisions Set for for Public Review and Comments
November 14, 2018