Oceanside CA—Write On, Oceanside! is an annual literary festival to celebrate and inspire local authors hosted by Oceanside Public Library and the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation (OCAF). This year’s celebration will be online and will take place on January 14, 2021 at 11 a.m. The event will feature an announcement of the top three “Ode to Oceanside” Writing Contest submissions along with a reading of the winning ode, announcement and reading of the top three submissions for the 6 Word Story Contest, the results of the Never-Ending Story Community Writing Project and a Local Author Showcase. Hear from these Oceanside authors about their latest titles:
- Stephanie Ann-Wilms Simpson (“I AM A CITIZEN OF THE U.S.A”: A History of a New Islamic Religious Movement, The Moorish Science Temple of America)
- Marla Bluestone (Make Them Hear Tears, After the Great Fire)
- Tricia Hopper Zacher (Many a Sudden Change)
- Ann Robson (Searching for a Shadow)
- Patricia McArdle (Farishta)
- Leslie Clark (Ward Off the Night)
- Andrea Susan Glass (Your Fabulous First Book: How to Write with Clarity, Confidence & Connection)
- Chuck Foster (LZ JUDAS GOAT / The Urban Legend of The Battle at LZ Judas Goat)
- Deborah Burggraaf (BHANTE-The Corgi of O’side)
- Dr. David Q. Hall (Cellaring)
- Sam Diego (Fear Begets Murder: A Conspiracy Tale)
Sign up to receive the link for the Zoom webinar here: https://forms.gle/xXx7d2j2bUxNUjBp7 This event is funded in part by the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library. Please visit www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org for more information on Library programs and events.