More ‘Think About Its…’
By Tom Morrow
The SOLUTION – The cheapest and quickest way to prevent anyone from ‘hacking’ or tampering with our elections is to go back to paper ballots… or maybe “absentee” mail-in ballots. Here in California doing everything by mail couldn’t be easier.
DUH!!! – For the upcoming “mid-term” elections, the Republicans really have only one thing to sell: the economy. It’s the best it’s been since the Reagan years. If the President will forget about the Russians, the Mueller investigation, the so-called “Fake Media,” and concentrate on what he’s accomplished, mainly the economy, a GOP victory in November would become closer to reality.
WHO WAS WHO? – A friend of mine recently met his nephew coming from back East at John Wayne Airport up in Orange County. As they walked to the car in the parking lot, the nephew, who is a twenty-something, looked up at the sign and asked, “Who Was John Wayne?”
SCAG SEZ: “Nothing changes in politics – the parties out of power want to take the ruling party out of your hair so they can get into your pocket!”– Cecil Scaglione,
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