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North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

Letter: Oceanside needs higher priority on crime prevention

October 6, 2023
Twenty years ago, I decided to invest millions of dollars in Oceanside. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Oceanside was rising to become a jewel of a seaside town. But no.

Letter: Limiting Medicare prices for drugs can harm resources, innovation

September 28, 2023

I'm writing to express my concern regarding the recent Biden Administration announcement on Medicare pricing for 10 prescription drugs. This decision could have a significant negative impact on prescription...

Letter: Wealthier cities can shoulder more of the burden for housing

August 20, 2023
As a resident of Oceanside since 1992, I have watched with despair as the city has become a dumping ground for the county’s (and nation’s?) homeless and a poster child for the wealth and land inequality tearing the nation apart.

Letter: Open resources can help cut costs of college textbooks

July 7, 2023
One of the largest barriers to further opportunity is now higher education itself. Traditional textbook costs now amount to hundreds of dollars.

Letter: ADA abuse is serious problem for local businesses

March 21, 2023
Thank you for publishing Ashleigh Conaway’s column titled “Protect small businesses from bogus ADA lawsuits.” ADA abuse is a serious issue impacting North County businesses.

Letter: Closing story comments a good idea

January 10, 2023
Thank you for removing Twitter and comments. More like a real “paper” when information is actually looked at before “publishing.”

Editorial: Twitter, story comments cut in favor of letters to the editor

North Coast Current January 3, 2023
The North Coast Current and OsideNews encourage readers to submit traditional letters to the editor and commentaries as the combined news site shifts away from Twitter on social media and real-time comments on stories.

COMMENTARY: Finding story of Nemo highlights concerns over Caruso plan

Richard Riehl February 18, 2016

A billionaire Los Angeles developer came to town planning to transform one of Carlsbad’s three lagoons into a magnet for tourist dollars. After winning the approval of local officials, he encountered...

COMMENTARY: What do Carlsbad leaders have to fear from referendum?

Richard Riehl September 13, 2015

Caruso Affiliated’s latest glossy mailer features the smiling faces of the five City Council members who voted unanimously to approve the developer’s plan to build a Strawberry Fields mall. Directly...

Letter to the Editor:  Caltrans Transparency

Letter to the Editor: Caltrans Transparency

OsideNews March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015, the Nation will celebrate, “Freedom of Information Day” marking the declaration of the Freedom of Information Act enacted on July 4th, 1966. The Act ensures every person the right to...

Letter to the Editor: Problems with Caltrans I-5/SR-78 Interchange Plans

OsideNews March 6, 2015

Caltrans I-5/SR-78 Interchange Plan Pollutes Elementary School, Isolates South Oceanside Community CALTRANS has four plans for the I5/SR78 Interchange and each plan includes a 50-60 ft tall flyover to...

LETTER: Encinitas has no room for unending growth

February 22, 2015

Re: Mr. Koenig’s piece on the state housing density mandate. As a 34-year Encinitas resident who helped write the current general plan in the late 1980s, I have been following the housing density...

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