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News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

The Encinitas city sign over Coast Highway 101 is shown decorated with holiday lights in this 2018 file image. (Photo by Ian McDonnell, iStock Getty Images)

Check your calendar: Friday is 92024 in Encinitas

North Coast Current September 19, 2024
Encinitas has a once-in-a-century date with history on Friday, Sept. 20, when the calendar marks 92024, the city’s main ZIP code.
U.S. Olympic sprinters (from left) Jesse Owens, Ralph Metcalfe and Frank Wykoff do a light warm-up on the deck of the S.S. Manhattan before they sail for Germany to compete in the 1936 Olympics. (Public Domain image)

Historically Speaking: Olympic gold and what ‘could have been’

Tom Morrow July 31, 2024
The 2024 Olympics opened last week in Paris, but a lot of history has taken place during the last century that is worthy of note. Here are two stories I told you about in past columns.
The Betsy Ross Flag flies outside of the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia. (Photo by Dan Mall via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: Betsy Ross, an original American patriot

Tom Morrow June 30, 2024
In case you missed this particular class in third grade, let me tell you about a true American patriot: Elizabeth Griscom “Betsy” Ross, who was born Jan. 1, 1752.
Albert Goodwill Spalding. (Historical photo)

Historically Speaking: The man who helped build baseball, and influenced San Diego

Tom Morrow May 31, 2024
American baseball owes a great deal of its existence to Albert Goodwill Spalding. You may have seen the name Spalding on a number of sports equipment, namely baseballs, players’ gloves and a number of other related sports items, including rule and history books. Spalding played, managed and owned baseball teams and was the co-founder of today’s National League. He even has ties to San Diego.
The Betsy Ross Flag flies outside of the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia. (Photo by Dan Mall via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: Betsy Ross, an original American patriot

Tom Morrow February 21, 2024
In case you missed this particular class in third grade, let me tell you about a true American patriot: Elizabeth Griscom “Betsy” Ross, who was born Jan. 1, 1752.
Editions of the North County Times and U-T San Diego show the evolution of the papers’ merger. (North Coast Current photo)

Historically Speaking: Communities lose with end of daily newspapers

Tom Morrow January 19, 2024
Today, there are far fewer journalistic eyes and ears monitoring all levels of our government since the demise of our local newspapers. We always end up deserving the kind of government we’ve allowed to take place.
Performer and philanthropist Danny Thomas founded St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in 1962. (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital photo)

Historically Speaking: Danny Thomas, a man behind the fight against cancer

Tom Morrow June 3, 2023
For television viewers, the name “Danny Thomas” appears on-screen at least once daily. The name appears during St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital commercials in a plea for donations. You’ll see his name on the side of the hospital building as “Danny Thomas, Founder.”
A Sears catalog cover from the early 1960s. (Goodwill image)

Historically Speaking: The nation’s first mail order general stores

Tom Morrow May 10, 2023
Before there were roads connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific and Mexico to Alaska, you could buy goods delivered via railroad freight and/or the U.S. mail. This was more than a century before the Internet, all courtesy of the mail-order catalogs of the Montgomery Ward and Sears & Roebuck companies. It was the Amazon of yesteryear.
The front of the former Advanced Web Offset printing facility in Vista is shown in an undated photo. The plant, the last of its kind serving San Diego County, was closed in August after it was purchased by an Orange County company. (Publicity photo)

San Diego community newspapers left in limbo after losing local printer

Roman S. Koenig October 7, 2022
Community newspapers in North San Diego County were left scrambling for printing services in recent days after the region’s last facility for such work shut down and dropped their contracts, local media sources said.
Whether you’re a small investor or a company CEO, or neither, monitoring the daily Dow Jones Industrial Average is a way of keeping tabs on the pulse of the nation’s business health. (Photo by Markus Spiske via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: When Mr. Dow met Mr. Jones

Tom Morrow September 29, 2022
Whether you’re a small investor or a company CEO, or neither, monitoring the daily Dow Jones Industrial Average is your way of keeping tabs on the pulse of the nation’s business health, and that’s certainly everyone’s business.
The White House is pictured in June 2020. (Photo by Tabrez Syed via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: A historical assessment of 14 presidents

Tom Morrow September 17, 2022
During the last half of the 20th century and through much of what has passed thus far in this century, there often has been less than stellar performances on the part of U.S. presidents. These are my personal subjective assessments, not from a political, but from a “historical,” point of view.
Working for Britain’s Naval Intelligence Division during the Second World War is where author Ian Fleming got his ideas for creating 007, James Bond. (Photo by Kristaps Ungurs via Unsplash)

Historically Speaking: The man who would be Bond

OsideNews August 21, 2022

By Tom Morrow: The British spy hero James Bond was created by a former Royal Navy intelligence officer. The fictitious Bond was the hero character of Ian Fleming, who was a planner and coordinator of clandestine...

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