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North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

Editorial: Twitter, story comments cut in favor of letters to the editor

North Coast Current January 3, 2023
The North Coast Current and OsideNews encourage readers to submit traditional letters to the editor and commentaries as the combined news site shifts away from Twitter on social media and real-time comments on stories.

EDITORIAL: Encinitas protests run against our better nature

North Coast Current April 20, 2020
During the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, a Cardiff church opened its doors to the leadership and expertise of the time to treat the ill of its community. A century later, the measures in place during today’s viral crisis are designed to help prevent the use of our churches for such a purpose again.

EDITORIAL: San Diego County: ‘No’ on Measure B; ‘yes’ on Measure A

North Coast Current February 25, 2020
Measure B supporters note that 60% of Newland Sierra housing would be affordably priced for the working class. But assuming it’s built, what would that “affordable” price be at completion given the continuing rise in prices, up 8% over the past year alone? Moreover, what’s their definition of “working class?”

EDITORIAL: Which Current are you reading? Encinitas site stirs election season confusion

North Coast Current February 9, 2020
Are you reading the North Coast Current or Encinitas Current? Look carefully. Not just at the nameplate, but at the web address. If you thought you were reading one and not the other, beware. It might be by design in this era of murky news outlets, leading to purposeful confusion stoked by political parties, bureaucracies, candidates and special interests.

EDITORIAL: Sunset High School in Encinitas deserves better than fluff

North Coast Current January 31, 2020
For decades, students have been helped along their life paths thanks to Sunset High School, a continuation campus in the San Dieguito Union High School District. Teens at the Encinitas school didn’t necessarily expect any fluff treatment, nor did educators expect to give it. Fluff treatment is what the school is getting, however, with its administration’s call for a new name.

EDITORIAL: Encinitas effort to help homeless is not a ‘big city’ issue

North Coast Current January 24, 2020
There are legitimate reasons to debate the implementation of Jewish Family Service’s parking lot program — the Encinitas City Council’s procedures and motives; the stipulations of a state grant program; the concerns over safety, health, proper facilities and vetting of parking lot users. But for some in the community, it’s been a last straw of some kind.

EDITORIAL: Cardiff’s kids are all right, but what about the adults?

North Coast Current January 4, 2020
In an ongoing dispute over the status of a park in the construction zone of Cardiff Elementary School, vile posters and banners chastising a local woman for her supposed “hatred of children” have appeared. Cut the immaturity. Be a good example for the children of Cardiff.

EDITORIAL: Muir on the right side of Encinitas council vote

North Coast Current January 12, 2017
What qualifies someone to be appointed to the Encinitas City Council? Two or three years living in the city with little public footprint outside a brief stint on the Parks and Recreation Commission. The one sitting council member to question this? Mark Muir.

EDITORIAL: Community character, experience lead endorsement picks

North Coast Current November 6, 2016
The North Coast Current’s editorial leadership suggests the following candidates for several Nov. 8 races affecting the city of Encinitas. The nature of this year’s local campaign reflects some of what we’ve seen nationally, with preferred candidates taking positions on issues that are at odds with other aspects that make those candidates appealing.

EDITORIAL: ‘No’ on Encinitas Measure T

North Coast Current November 1, 2016
The North Coast Current urges a “no” vote on Measure T for one reason: It’s time to call the state of California out on its misguided approach to shoving high-density development down communities’ throats.

EDITORIAL: Vote ‘no’ on county Measure B

North Coast Current October 20, 2016
San Diego County residents will vote Nov. 8 on a landmark proposal that could change the face of rural inland communities in favor of big development, using the initiative process to push a single builder’s vision.

EDITORIAL: Vote ‘no’ on Carlsbad Measure A

North Coast Current February 19, 2016

When the Carlsbad City Council and developer Caruso Affiliated used the initiative process to push for a shopping mall in 2015, they touted it as “open space the right way” through a measure they had...

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