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North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

Editorial: Twitter, story comments cut in favor of letters to the editor

North Coast Current January 3, 2023
The North Coast Current and OsideNews encourage readers to submit traditional letters to the editor and commentaries as the combined news site shifts away from Twitter on social media and real-time comments on stories.

Point of View: All the news that’s fit to copy and paste

Roman S. Koenig December 14, 2022
Encinitas has an odd reputation for being a home base of questionable news websites. Since 2021, we have a third — and it’s troublesome enough that the city of Encinitas has put a disclaimer about it in the footer of its own website.

EDITORIAL: Encinitas protests run against our better nature

North Coast Current April 20, 2020
During the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, a Cardiff church opened its doors to the leadership and expertise of the time to treat the ill of its community. A century later, the measures in place during today’s viral crisis are designed to help prevent the use of our churches for such a purpose again.

EDITORIAL: Which Current are you reading? Encinitas site stirs election season confusion

North Coast Current February 9, 2020
Are you reading the North Coast Current or Encinitas Current? Look carefully. Not just at the nameplate, but at the web address. If you thought you were reading one and not the other, beware. It might be by design in this era of murky news outlets, leading to purposeful confusion stoked by political parties, bureaucracies, candidates and special interests.

EDITORIAL: Cardiff’s kids are all right, but what about the adults?

North Coast Current January 4, 2020
In an ongoing dispute over the status of a park in the construction zone of Cardiff Elementary School, vile posters and banners chastising a local woman for her supposed “hatred of children” have appeared. Cut the immaturity. Be a good example for the children of Cardiff.

Editorial: Yost, Shaffer, Kranz for council; yes on K and L

North Coast Current October 26, 2012

Not too long ago, the North Coast Current said it would opt out of offering Encinitas City Council endorsements. This philosophy is based on a movement by news media nationwide (San Diego not included)...

Editorial: Who watches the watchdog?

North Coast Current October 22, 2012

It’s bad enough that the local media market has virtually been taken over by ultra-conservative developer Douglas Manchester, relegating the daily North County Times and U-T San Diego (now one media...

Editorial: Shedding extra light on the election

North Coast Current October 11, 2012

News outlets often endorse candidates for office that reflect the ownership’s vision of the community. This election season, however, the North Coast Current takes a different approach. As Election Day...

Editorial: Community is no fifth wheel

North Coast Current May 28, 2012

The old Encinitas adage is apparently wrong – there is life east of Interstate 5. The community of New Encinitas is flexing its political muscles, and while it might be the fifth and arguably newest...

Editorial: A new start in Encinitas

North Coast Current April 7, 2012

History is turning an important page in Encinitas in wake of the announcement that the Paul Ecke Ranch is changing hands. It’s with that sense of history – and the future – that the North Coast Current...

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