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North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

The Surfing Madonna mosaic is now on permanent display at Café Ipe in Leucadia. (Photo by Ernesto Lopez)

Artist seeks others to help spread the ‘Madonna’ message

Ernesto Lopez August 3, 2013

The environmental message of the Surfing Madonna mosaic – “Save the Ocean” – is set to reach far more people up and down the coast of California. Within the next few months, a handful of artists...

The Surfing Madonna mosaic is now on permanent display at Café Ipe in Leucadia. (Photo by Ernesto Lopez)

‘Madonna’ fans fete permanent home

Ernesto Lopez December 14, 2012

The Surfing Madonna mosaic got a lot of attention on 12/12/12 as nearly 100 locals gathered at Café Ipe on North Coast Highway 101 in Leucadia to celebrate its newly announced permanent home and try some...


Surfing Madonna returns

Ernesto Lopez June 29, 2012

After spending a year refurbishing and searching for a new home for his Surfing Madonna, artist Mark Patterson quietly installed the mosaic on June 25 in Leucadia between Café Ipe and Surfy Surfy. “I...

Surfing Madonna on display

North Coast Current June 26, 2012

The popular and controversial Surfing Madonna mosaic has reappeared in Leucadia. Mosaic supporter Scott Chatfield, who designed a website profiling the art piece, announced June 25 on Facebook that...

Cafe Ipe’s fresh roasted beans by Dan Scheibe of Revolution Roasters.

It’s Café Ipe, but you can call it Coffee Coffee

Lauren Ciallella April 24, 2012

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet … That goes double for Café Ipe because everyone insists on calling it “Coffee Coffee.” “We named it after the Ipe tree out front because we...

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Cafe Ipe